Thursday, January 29, 2015

Easy and Fast Guide to Create a Stunning Facebook Cover in Photoshop

The biggest social media platform Facebook allows you to change not just your profile image, but also its cover. Make your Facebook cover photo as unique as you are.
This Photoshop tutorial will help you to turn a bunch of your photos into a stunning Facebook cover. What do you need to create it? Just a few awesome images and Photoshop. By the way, this guide can be used by photographers, designers, artists, or any other creative people to showcase their works of art.

Facebook Cover Photoshop Tutorial

Final Product
Facebook Cover Photoshop Tutorial

Step 1
Create a document with a size 851×315 pixels. Size is quite important thing in order to make your cover pretty fit your profile picture.
Facebook Cover Photoshop Tutorial
Step 2
Choose the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) and create a square with a size 170×170 pixels and a radius 2px.
Facebook Cover Photoshop Tutorial
Step 3
Set the Fill to 0% and add a 1px stroke.
Facebook Cover Photoshop Tutorial
Step 4
Put this layer in the place of your profile picture.
Attention. Position of the profile picture for your personal page differs from the public one.
It should be done in order to mark the place of your profile image. In fact, this space can be used in different ways. For example, you can add shadow behind it, which will make your cover unique, in the end. Or make any other changes, it’s all up to you. Just take a look at our Facebook covers for inspiration and get some ideas how you can use the profile image.
Step 5
Fill the background with color f3f3f3.
Step 6
Now take the Rectangle Tool (U) and create the following shape with the color #000000. Duplicate it several times, placing as shown below. Just make a copy of each shape layer, and make them invisible (it is required for future).
Facebook Cover Photoshop Tutorial
Step 7
Add a photo for each shape. Just put a photo lower than a layer with shape and push the button “Create a Clipping Mask”.
Facebook Cover Photoshop Tutorial
Step 8
Then add a shadow to each picture. Make the shapes from the six step visible and rasterize every of them. (Layer-Rasterize-Shape or by clicking on the layer, right-click and choose Rasterize Layer).
Step 9
Now apply filter Blur to each layer (Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur).
Facebook Cover Photoshop Tutorial
Step 10
Select all the layers from the previous step and make them smaller in height (Edit – Free Transform or ctrl + T).
Facebook Cover Photoshop Tutorial
Step 11
Now select every couple of layers in turn (shape layer and a share with a your image). Duplicate and combine each pair (Layer – Marge Layers or ctrl + E).
After that, reflect layers vertically. Edit – Transform – Flip Vertical. Once each layer is ready, select them all and omit down as shown in the image below.
Facebook Cover Photoshop Tutorial
Step 12
Now each of these layers must be transformed, as at the image below.
Facebook Cover Photoshop Tutorial
Step 13
Drop couples of layers on a few pixels down and change the opacity to 15%.
Facebook Cover Photoshop Tutorial
Step 14
You can add text, such as the name or title to your Facebook cover. You can also add some shadows or glare. Change it whatever you like. There are lots of options to change it.
Step 15
Let’s get back to the profile image. Select it using the Drop Shadow and remove the Stroke. We’re done.
Facebook Cover Photoshop Tutorial
Step 16
That’s pretty it. Here is the result.
Facebook Cover Photoshop Tutorial

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