There is a heat of summer outside. Everybody are trying to take the best of the summertime. People have a rest at the sea cost, lay on the sun and organize noisy parties until dawn. As usual, the flyers for the hottest summer parties are handing out on the beach. Once I’ve looked at the flyer and decided to create something like this (maybe even better).
Note. Don’t worry about the a summer theme used here. This tutorial can be used to create absolutely any flyers (the time of year doesn’t really matter).
The tutorial was originally created not for the beginners, but for those who are already savvy with Photoshop. I do believe that everyone can do it, if you really want it. Don’t hesitate to ask any question in the comments after the post. I’ll be more then happy to help you with it. So, let’s start the tutorial and create an amazing summer flyer design in Photoshop.
Final Result:
You need to download the files:
Step 1
Open the Photoshop and create a new document. Size 4.25 x 6,25 inches. Resolution: 300 DPI, Color: CMYK
Step 2
Using the Brush Tool fill the background with the color #78bbc8. Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) and place it above the background layer. Take the Brush Tool, select the Sky brushes you’ve downloaded at the beginning and make something like on the picture below:
Step 3
We need to separate a girl from the background on the picture, we’ve downloaded earlier. We can do it thanks to the Quick Selection Tool. Select a girl:
Step 4
Click on the Refine Edge. View: Black & White, put a tick on the Smart Radius and change the Radius settings on 95-100, like on the picture below:
Step 5
Now let’s change the View Mode to On Black. As you can see, a small parts of the background remained in the hair. In order to fix this issue, put a tick on the Decontaminate Colors and set the amount to 65-70. Output To: New Layer with Layer Mask
Step 6
As you can see, we’ve got rid of the background and the mask layer allows us manually modify a picture (if some necessary part was deleted).
Note. Also, you can change the brightness, contrast, color balance and other settings as needed.
Step 7
Select all the layers (for a convenience), click on the right mouse button and choose Convert to Smart Object. Move the layer you’ve got on the flyer document
Step 8
Next, take any picture of a beach. Remove the sky on it, in any way you like (you can use the same method as for the girl) and move it to the flyer layer
Step 9
Merge the layers with a beach and a sky, then apply the filter: Blur – Gaussian Blur – Radius 9 pixels
Step 10
Create a new document 100×100 pixels and draw a star, you’ll turn it into a Brush (Edit – Define Brush Preset)
Step 11
Go back to the layer with a flyer. Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) and place it over a girl, but before the beach layer. Take the Brush Tool and open the preferences window (F5). Make changes as it shown below:
Step 12
Do something like that with the resulting Brush:
Step 13
The background is too bright. Create a new layer and place it on top of the beach. Fill in everything with the white color using Paint Bucket Tool. Change the Opacity to 60-65%. Also you can add the reflections on the girl, they will make the picture magic
Step 14
Let’s work with the background a little bit more and then move on to the text effects. So, create another layer above the girl and using different brushes, try your best to achieve a similar effect:
Step 15
Now we should prepare a place for the text. Make a girl a little less and lift higher, it will looks better. Merge all the layers in order not to be confused. Take the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) and draw a plate (color #f9941e) as on the screenshot below:
Step 16
Add the next styles to the layer:
Step 17
Create a layer and + Alt click between it and the plate layer with (Creating Clipping Mask). The Blending Mode is Soft Light. Take the Brush Tool, select the Retro brushes, you’ve downloaded earlier and make the following acts (use white and black colors):
Step 18
Duplicate the layer with the plate (Ctrl + J). Clear all the styles from the duplicated layer, fill it with the black color and put it under the original layer with a plate. Rasterize the layer
Step 19
On the top menu find Edit – Free Transformation (Ctrl + T)
Step 20
Make the following transformation
Step 21
Add some blur: Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur – Radius 10
Step 22
Remove the unnecessary parts on the top and set the Opacity 30%
Step 23
Take the Eraser Tool (size: 300 px, Hardness: 0%) and slightly erase the shadow around the edges
Step 24
It’s time to add the text to our amazing colorful plate. I’ve used the Devil Breeze (size 158 pixels and a color #f9f9fa)
Note. Depending on the font size and text size, the plate size may change. In this case, the plate has become wider.
Apply the following styles to the text:
Step 25
The result you get should be like this:
Step 26
You can add a slogan or any additional text to the main one. For example, I want to add “The Greatest Party in 2012 Summer Season”. I used the Bioliquid font, ( size 50 and white color #ffffff).
Note. If you don’t have enough space you can always change the size of the plate.
I’ve placed it like this:
Step 27
In order to highlight the text on the background, create a new layer and place it above the layer with plate and retro brushes. Make a selection using the Rectangular Marquee Tool. Take the Paint Bucket Tool and fill the selection with the color #1fb0cd
Step 28
Let’s add a Stroke to this layer:
Step 29
And the Shadow to the slogan as well:
Step 30
You should have something like this:
Step 31
I’ve noticed that the designers like to decorate the plates (and flyers as well) with the various elements. I also decided to do it. I do believe these elements will fit: Palm leaves #1, Palm leaves #2, the image of cocktails, tropical flower Plumeria, the image of Toucan birds, coconut, etc. You can find the elements you like around the Internet.
Note. Choose any image that you think will look good.
Place all the elements on the flyer in close proximity to each other. Merge them into a group and move under the layer with a girl.
That’s how I came up with:
Step 32
We are nearing the finish line. It’s necessary to add a description of the event, the date and the information about the invited guests. Let’s start with information about the event. I’ll place it under the party name. Write text with the same Bioliquid font, size 42 pixels and the color #256676
Step 33
We can add some light to the text. Create a new layer and place it under the text, using a large brush (Hardness: 0%, Color: #ffffff) make the highlighting
Step 34
Now we need to write the date of the event over the girl. The font is Devil Breeze, (the size 80 pixels, the color #276676).
Step 35
Place the text, as it shown below:
Step 36
Create a group and place the text layer there, duplicate it. Merge all the layers (Layer – Merge Group). Apply a filter Motion Blur to the resulting layer layer (Filter – Blur – Motion Blur)
Step 37
Make this effect softer, add a style Color Overlay with color #56a7bb
Step 38
We need to display the special invited guests on the flyer. Choose the Custom Shape Tool and find the star (pre-installing downloaded shapes) and draw 2 stars any color as I did:
Step 39
Open two pictures of the invited guests. Move them into the document. Place one picture over the first star, do the same with the second picture. Change the picture size in order to make them look good inside the stars. Choose the first photo, open the menu: Layer – Create Clipping Mask. Do the same with the second photo
Step 40
Add the following styles to the stars (for the shapes, but not photos)
Step 41
Add the text with the names and place as in the screenshot below:
Step 42
This is it. The flyer is done
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