Monday, February 2, 2015

14 Brilliant Video CVs That Will Get The Job

The competitive nature of the job market these day requires that your resume be as creative and unique as possible to catch the attention of your future potential employer. Creating a video resume to accompany your traditional CV would be a great way to stand out from the crowd. They can provide potential employers with more insight into what an individual has to offer.
In this day and age, a video resume is a must-have tool in any job-seekers toolbox. Here I’ve collected 15 real-life examples of creative and funny job application videos from job-hunters from all over the globe to get you inspired. If you’re wondering how much humour, wit and creativity to include in your own job application videos, just take a look here.

About Me By Miguel Durao

What’s a copywriter to do when they’re moving to a new place and looking for a job? Send out an eye-catching CV video of course. Using his writing skills, he tells us all about his “gorgeous girlfriend”.

C.V.I.V – Intro By Graeme Anthony

This self-promotional video is just an intro that links to other videos featured in this series: about me, skills, portfolio, timeline and contact. It demonstrates just how creative you can get with a video resume.

CV By Dai Duong Tran

This creative video CV comes with eye-catching animation and light background music. It showcases the job seeker’s creative skills, personalities and experiences in a way that will appeal to future employers.

My Creative СV By Adam Clowery

Adam Clowery employs digital drawing in his video CV to tell his story. This is an effective way to show off one’s skills and education at the same time.

Video CV By Cristina Castro

Writing on a chalkboard is another creative way to tell your story on video. Cristina is a translator and interpreter with experience in aviation. The great background music also lends a hand in the video.

Animation Resume By Riikka Uhmavaara

This short animated resume is made with AfterEffect and Adobe Illustrator. It depicts all the important form in an entertaining animated video.

Video Resume By James Corne

Created back in 2011, this is a light and funny CV video although the setting suggests otherwise. It tells the sad story of a man who has been a workaholic since childhood.

”The Interview Thingy” – VIDEO CV By Alex There

Alex made this video CV while she was looking for a job when she realized that a traditional paper resume wouldn’t work out. The concept behind the video is that it emulates what it would actually be like for her in an interview and how she would answer questions.

A Dream Job Would Be Nice By Mark Leruste

The brief description accompanying this video on YouTube says that thansk to it Mark finally has managed to find his dream job at a global men’s health charity! Mark tells about his education, working experience and hobbies in a fun and fresh way.

Video Resume: Google Please Hire Me By Matthew Epstein

It’s pretty clear to see from the title of the video which company Matthew wants to hire him. He even created a site for his resume called

Video Resume By Eric Purdue

I’m not sure for what kind of job this kind of resume would work for, but this epic video is really funny. For this video, Eric even used clever editing to make his hair grow faster.

My Creative Video Resume By Patrice Co

A crumpled piece of paper and a pair of hands can make for a fairly effective resume. What’s even better is that this presentation can be made with After Effects and Photoshop.

Video Resume By Lauren Goodman

If you’re someone who prefers a more simple route, how about something with typograghy and icons like Lauren Goodman’s video?

Video Resume: Social Media Specialist By Mary Patterson

I love that video resume. It’s a digital graphic resume which convinces that you need a social media specialist and yes, Mary is the person to call. It’s done in a very informative and engaging manner with some nice music too.

Bonus: Barney Stinson’s Video CV

If you’re a fan of the TV show "How I Met Your Mother", you’re probably quite familiar with the character of Barney Stinson. Take a look at just how "awesome" your video can potentially be.

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